Lena L. Lovier Perkins Smith was also known as Linn Smith. She was buried in Graves County, Kentucky, USA
3,5 She was born on 19 April 1875 in Graves, Kentucky, USA
1,2,3,5,7,8 She and
John W B Lovier were married on 15 November 1891 in Graves, Kentucky, USA
4,4 Her son
Boyd Lovier was born about 1895 in Kentucky, USA
GO. Her son
Jonnie Lovier was born in 1895. Her son
Jonnie Lovier died in 1895. Her son
James "Red" Coy Lovier was born on 13 August 1898 in Sedalia, Graves, Kentucky, USA
GO. Her daughter
Kathleen N Burgess Lovier was born on 9 December 1900 in Kentucky, USA
GO. Her daughter
Alice Lovier Johnson Henderson was born on 3 November 1903 in Swann, Calloway, Kentucky, USA
G. Her daughter
Mary Jan Stanford Lovier was born on 8 May 1908 in Puryear, Henry, Tennessee, USA
GO. Lena L. Lovier Perkins Smith resided in Puryear, Henry, Tennessee, USA
GO, in 1910 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife.
2 Her son
Boyd Lovier died on 5 April 1915 in Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky, USA
GO. She resided in Massac, McCracken, Kentucky, USA
GO, in 1930 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife.
7 She resided in Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA
GO, in 1933. Her husband
John W B Lovier died on 7 July 1934 in Pines RD, Paducah, Mccrackin, Kentucky, USA
G. 7 September 1934; Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA
GO She was a Saleswoman in McCracken County, Kentucky, USA
GO, in 1935. She resided in McCracken, Kentucky, USA
GO, on 1 April 1940 Age: 63; Marital Status: Widowed; Relation to Head of House: Head.
1,6 She died on 6 February 1945, at age 69, in McCracken County, Kentucky, USA
3,5 8 March 1945; Elizabethtown, Hardin, Illinois, USA
GO Her son
James "Red" Coy Lovier died on 15 December 1945 in Elizabethtown, Hardin, Illinois, USA
Lena Lovier
Birthday party 1929
Alice Johnson hosts a party
Lovier fire 1934
Lena Smith Lovier obituary
The Dorans 2
This is the list of names associated with the photograph that was sent by Linda Wilson, wife of Gary Wilson. Gary is the grandson of Rauda Doran. I believe the photograph of the Dorans was found among Rauda's possessions after her death. Photograph appears to have been taken in the summer of 1914.
Dorans and Loviers
Doran/Lovier Front Row — Children — Left to right Tansil Doran and Jim Doran, sons of Noah Doran, Clifford Cole, Bobby Doran, daughter of Noah Doran, Barchell Doran, son of Connie Doran Second Row — left to right John McCleod and wife (behind him) (no relation to the Dorans), Lena Lovier, William Malone (Billy) Doran and wife Jane Lovier Doran, John Lovier, Abi E. (Sis) Lovier and husband Dock Key, Tennessee (Ten) Irene Swor Wilson Back Row — left to right Noah Doran, Nell Doran, Rauda Sarah Jane Doran and husband Raymond Holmes Wilson (son of Ten Wilson), woman and girl unknown, Stad Cole and wife Zula Doran Cole with baby, Della Doran wife of Noah, Connie Doran, Canje Cole, and Ludie Doran Info received from Irene Paschall Doran wife of Barchell Doran 26 Jan 1982
Lena Lovier